Weiss Schwarz Booster Pack – Saekano the Movie: Finale

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Now €5.48(SAVE 8%)
RRP €5.99
Expected Release Date 19/04/2024
This product is limited to 4 per customer.
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The widely popular TV anime Saekano, spanning 2 seasons, will have its movie arriving on the stage of Weiß Schwarz! Catch well-known scenes from the movie in card form! BRAND NEW CARD ILLUSTRATIONS 5 newly drawn illustrations of the following characters! Megumi Eriri Utaha Michiru Izumi 9 cards per pack, 16 packs per display 18 displays per carton 1 of 5 exclusive PR cards in eve…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-BUSWSESHSW98BP-SP Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The widely popular TV anime Saekano, spanning 2 seasons, will have its movie arriving on the stage of Weiß Schwarz!

Catch well-known scenes from the movie in card form!

5 newly drawn illustrations of the following characters!


9 cards per pack, 16 packs per display
18 displays per carton
1 of 5 exclusive PR cards in every display box!
1 English Edition exclusive stitched playmat in every carton!