Shadowverse: Evolve – Cosmic Mythos – Booster Pack

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Expected Release Date 04/12/2024
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Shadowverse: Evolve is a competitive TCG where players battle as one of six different classes, summoning followers and casting spells to defeat their opponents. Based on the digital collectible card game (CCG) Shadowverse, Shadowverse: Evolve features similar gameplay and characters with the inclusion of new mechanics that allow for new ways to play.

Contains these classes:

Forestcraft, Swordcraft, Runecraft, Dragoncraft, Abysscraft, Havencraft, Neutral

Total 119 types of cards + Parallels
B (Bronze) 40
S (Silver) 28
G (Gold) 28
L (Legendary) 23

Special Foils (30 in total)
U (Ultimate): 7
SL (Super Legendary): 23
*Ultimate cards are foiled versions of base-rarity cards with different illustrations and frame design.

Leader Cards: 2
Token Cards: 5 (2 new + 3 reprints)

8 cards per booster
16 booster per display
16 displays per case.