My First Monopoly Game

RRP: 24.99
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RRP €28.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Learn, Earn, and Grow My First Monopoly Game offers playful teaching tools for families. It features 2 levels of play so the game can grow along with the family. Double-Sided Gameboard Side 1 features simple gameplay recommended for kids ages 4-5, with a focus on counting and matching. Side 2 offers more advanced play, recommended for kids ages 6 and up, with a focus on reading and …
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Learn, Earn, and Grow
My First Monopoly Game offers playful teaching tools for families. It features 2 levels of play so the game can grow along with the family.

Double-Sided Gameboard
Side 1 features simple gameplay recommended for kids ages 4-5, with a focus on counting and matching. Side 2 offers more advanced play, recommended for kids ages 6 and up, with a focus on reading and simple math.

Different Gameplay and Components
The game includes 2 Monopoly money packs: younger kids can play using smaller notes, and older kids use the larger notes bills. The game includes 20 Chance cards for Level 1 as well as 20 Chance cards for Level 2.

Adorable Tokens
Kids can move around the board as Penguin, Car, Ducky, Scottie, Hazel, or Rex tokens.