Combo Colour

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Expected Release Date 01/04/2024
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A strategic coloring pictures game! Expand your territory by coloring, each on your turn, a space on the map. These aren’t simple spaces! Don’t let your opponents guess your strategy if you want the best score. Explore Versailles, Tokyo, the jungle, and spectacular sceneries. Combo Color is a competitive coloring game. On each turn, players color in one space on the board. Sym…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ASMCC01EN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A strategic coloring pictures game! Expand your territory by coloring, each on your turn, a space on the map. These aren’t simple spaces! Don’t let your opponents guess your strategy if you want the best score. Explore Versailles, Tokyo, the jungle, and spectacular sceneries.

Combo Color is a competitive coloring game. On each turn, players color in one space on the board. Symbols in the spaces determine the scoring: some items are summed together, some are multiplied, some require connections, some score negative. When all spaces are colored, the player with the most points wins.