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Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Get ready to spread your wings and take to the skies in Nestlings! Play as one of four unique feathered species and compete to gain priority across four vastly different biomes each teeming with an array of unique resources to collect. As the game progresses, the tension builds, and every decision becomes crucial. Will you play it safe and stay within your biome to feed your Nestl…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-LKYNSTR01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Get ready to spread your wings and take to the skies in Nestlings!

Play as one of four unique feathered species and compete to gain priority across four vastly different biomes each teeming with an array of unique resources to collect.

As the game progresses, the tension builds, and every decision becomes crucial. Will you play it safe and stay within your biome to feed your Nestlings, or compete for foreign resources to secure one of the elusive public Gathering Goals or private Nest Goals?

Nestlings is the perfect game for anyone looking for a challenging, yet simple and rewarding gaming experience.