Cities: Skylines II Day One Edition – PS5

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RRP $56.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Pre-order today and set your City apart with 9 Unique Buildings based on famous landmarks from around the world. Included is also a map based on the geography of Tampere, Finland, home of Colossal Order. Building roads is more flexible than before, helping you realize your vision for the perfect road layout. You will find a variety of new and returning options! Managing traffic in a…
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Category Tags , SKU VKM-PARA10.UK.24DE Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Pre-order today and set your City apart with 9 Unique Buildings based on famous landmarks from around the world. Included is also a map based on the geography of Tampere, Finland, home of Colossal Order.
Building roads is more flexible than before, helping you realize your vision for the perfect road layout. You will find a variety of new and returning options!
Managing traffic in a growing city was a core part of Cities: Skylines, and for the sequel we wanted to bring you a more advanced system to make the city feel more realistic and alive.
An integral part of a city’s inner workings is public transportation. Expand as the city grows from buses and taxis to other transportation systems such as tram and subway networks.