Digimon Card Game: Advanced Deck Set – Double Typhoon (ST17)

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Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Dice Tomes are a series of exquisitely themed dice sets perfect for fantasy RPGs, tabletop roleplaying, and fantasy board games. Each Tome is themed around an iconic classic character class. The Tome of Combat is perfect for fighters, pugilists and brawlers who live by their martial prowess… Each magnetically clasped Tome contains: Ten dice with the unique class symbol replaci…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-BCL2715971 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Dice Tomes are a series of exquisitely themed dice sets perfect for fantasy RPGs, tabletop roleplaying, and fantasy board games. Each Tome is themed around an iconic classic character class. The Tome of Combat is perfect for fighters, pugilists and brawlers who live by their martial prowess…

Each magnetically clasped Tome contains:

Ten dice with the unique class symbol replacing the highest value on each (1D4, 3D6, 1D8, 1D10, 1D%, 1D12, 2D20)
A coin bearing the class symbol
A luxurious foam insert with space for custom storage of your favourite miniatures, cards or even more dice.
The Tome covers feature premium embossing, a high-quality linen finish, unique artwork on the front, back and spine, and unfold to become a working dice tray with artwork themed as the hand-drawn musings of the class.