Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown

RRP: $114.99
Now $115.71(SAVE 20%)
RRP $144.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Cthulhu: Death May Die is back with a new standalone box and upgraded rules! Designed by Rob Daviau and Marco Portugal, Fear of the Unknown marks a new Season of the hit board game that brought a new twist to the mythos universe created by H.P. Lovecraft. Face the challenges of 6 new Episode and 2 new Elder Boxes, that bring new insanities and monsters as well as new modular rules i…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-CMNDMD006 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Cthulhu: Death May Die is back with a new standalone box and upgraded rules! Designed by Rob Daviau and Marco Portugal, Fear of the Unknown marks a new Season of the hit board game that brought a new twist to the mythos universe created by H.P. Lovecraft. Face the challenges of 6 new Episode and 2 new Elder Boxes, that bring new insanities and monsters as well as new modular rules in this cooperative board game for 1 to 5 players.