Arkham Horror: Ghoul Priest Satute

RRP: 174.99
Now €181.84(SAVE 10%)
RRP €203.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2024
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Introducing the 1st products of the Dream Figures and Asmodee Entertainment collection.

Agnes Baker and the Ghoul Priest duel in a spectacular face o, each of them in resplendent detail.

Both collectible premium statues are part of our Dreamscapes Statues 1:10 scale line.

Agnes is using an arcane book to fight her opponent with torrents of magic energy so strong it is moving

objects around her.

The Ghoul Priest, sits on his throne demonstrating his confidence and sure in his power to resist any


At least for now ….

Who will win this great contest of magic and will?

Both statues can be displayed individually or together in a fantastic display that will bring an epic

battle from your games to your collection and to the reality of your home.