Weiss Schwarz Premium Booster: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! Countdown Collection Booster Pack

RRP: 8.99
Now €8.86(SAVE 19%)
RRP €10.99
Expected Release Date 17/05/2024
This product is limited to 3 per customer.
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-BUSWSEBDWE42PB-SP Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Featured Cards
Neo-Standard Products
Join in the festivities with this special Premium Booster to commemorate the 4th Anniversary of BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!

Don’t miss out the party of the year as your favorite bands take the stage for this limited print run!

Product Information
Each pack will contain cards of all five members from the same band! All five cards are shiny holographic cards, with one out of five guaranteed to be hot stamped!

35 types (Holo) + 35 types (Hot stamped)
5 cards per pack, 7 packs per display
10 displays per carton
The cards in this Premium Booster may be used together with cards which have their card numbers beginning with ?BD/?!